A few words

About Us

what we are

When Celtic Butterfly Publishing was started we had four goals in mind

That’s not quite the particular order we had in the beginning….but you get the gist.

We do it all ourselves. We are the authors. We brainstorm together, create characters and scenes, develop plots, counsel, recommend, and become friends amid all sorts of life events. We stay in touch and help them promote and talk about next projects. Publishing the book it’s just one of the final steps in a long process and we have so much fun along the way.

Profitability ensures that we have the funding for events and initiatives we care as authors. We take courses and buy software and belong to professional groups. We are fully (and financially) invested in the process.

Publishing a book means so much more than writing. We want to have fun while doing it! Doesn’t everyone? Much of our fun comes from taking simple ideas from our imagination or research and produce a print or e-book that allows us to share them with the world.

Some other ways we have fun includes editing for clarity and style (we want to make sure everybody understands our gibberish), creating an interior that is well designed and easy to read, and designing a cover that communicates with our  readers and turns them into our buyers—that is all part of the fun for us.

Follow us to stay up to date with what we are up to.

We help you tell your story.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you. ~Maya Angelou

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Meet Our Team

At Celtic Butterfly Publishing, our team is your team. When your mission is to tell your story, faster, and smarter, you need the best people driving your vision forward. You need people who can create focused marketing strategies that align with your goals, who can infuse their creativity into groundbreaking campaigns, and who can analyze data to optimize every tactic along the way.

Ginger Rudy


Andrea Florescu


Elizabeth Berrie
