new release by Jeny Heckman

Dee's Cornucopia


Dee Walker can kick your ass. At least she thinks so and isn’t afraid to say it. A no-nonsense spark plug, Dee keeps everyone around her hopping.

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Fantasy Paranormal Romance


If love dies, can it be reborn…only stronger?

Colton Stone is a newly traded tight end whose reputation is as battered as his football helmet. When he receives a vacation invitation from his new teammates, he accepts. There he collides with Dr. Lillian Morgan, a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon, and doesn’t know what to think.

A widow with two children, Lilly is looking forward to her friends’ wedding. When she meets Colton Stone, his arrogant attitude only makes her long for the love she took for granted. Lilly struggles between letting go of her perfect past for an uncertain future.

Strange events occur, out of the realm of normal consciousness. When black energy touches their world Colt and Lilly become the pawns of the immortal Greek gods. Is the love developing between them natural, or part of a larger prophecy?

Women's Fiction

Releasing the Catch

Mack Carter’s life is circling the drain. When he hears about how lucrative the fishing industry is in Alaska, he decides to try his luck on the frigid Aleutian Chain. There he meets, Nels Pearson, who teaches the younger man how to be a crab fisherman on the deadly Bering Sea, and becomes the friend and father-figure Mack’s never known. Carter must learn to navigate both the foreign world on the water, and home life on land, finding a tenuous balance with both.

Through circumstances beyond her control, Faith Pearson, is inserted into the dangerous life the men live in. To most fishermen in this high-velocity world, women onboard a crab boat is a bad omen. Faith finds life on the sea difficult to manuever, not just the conditions but the men and superstitions she must also endure.

When tragedy strikes her life again, Faith strives to overcome great obstacles, and proves herself worthy mentally and physically, as she navigates self-discovery in a man’s bleak yet adventurous world. She also discovers lessons about love and just how deadly the Bering Sea can be when her own life is on the line, possibly never releasing her from the catch

One man will bring them together but not in the way you might think…