Join Celtic Butterfly Publishing's Street Team

Why join our Street Team?

Our street team is a group of readers who love to read various genres like, thrillers, action/adventure, romance, fantasy, and paranormal. We will add in future YA and children’s books.

If you want to become part of our street team you must be willing to leave reviews of our books and help us promote them. We understand that asking you to help spread the word about the books we publish is kind of a big ask. To sweeten the entire experience of being part of our street team we offer a few things we hope will make it worth your while:

  • Free books. Whenever we publish a book, you’ll get it for free, guaranteed.* You’ll also get first dibs on ARCs of our traditionally-published books (We have authors working with other publishers as well and we only get a limited number from them!).
  • Free swag. As a reward for helping us out, we’ll mail you free swag as it becomes available!
  • Sneak peeks. You’ll be the first to know about our latest projects.
  • Book chats. As a member of the street team, you’ll get access to “Celtic Butterfly Publishing Reader Group,” a fun Facebook group where we regularly chat about books we’re reading and would recommend to each other!
  • Access to our team. You’ll have our email address and will be able to send us questions and chat at any time.
    Please note that this group will be open internationally, but we can only mail items within the US.

We hope you’re as excited to join as we are to welcome you to the team!

*Free books are guaranteed to all active members of the Street Team group. Our email service provider automatically unsubscribes anyone who has not opened and/or clicked on any of the past 10 emails or who has not reviewed our books.

The Warrior's Progeny

An Audiobook by Jeny Heckman

A widow with two children, Lilly is looking forward to her friends’ wedding. When she meets Colton Stone, his arrogant attitude only makes her long for the love she took for granted. Lilly struggles between letting go of her perfect past for an uncertain future.

Strange events occur, out of the realm of normal consciousness. When black energy touches their world Colt and Lilly become the pawns of the immortal Greek gods. Is the love developing between them natural, or part of a larger prophecy?